Visio Divina

1. Settle yourself in the quiet. Notice your breath moving in and out of your body. Slowly become aware of God’s presence with you. Pray that God will help you to receive God’s message, insight, or challenge through this painting.

2. Look at the painting. What is your first impression? What is happening? What does the painting remind you of? Does this painting depict or call to mind a biblical passage?

3. If you are keeping a journal, begin to record your thoughts and feelings as you take in the forms, figures, colors, lines, textures, and shapes. Do any insights or questions emerge?

4. Is your attention drawn more closely to a part of the painting? Why? Do new insights or realities begin to emerge?

5. Sit with your experience of the painting. What does God seem to be saying to you? Where may God be leading you? What is God giving to you or asking of you?

6. Bring the meditation to a close by resting in God’s grace and love, or by offering a prayer which has been prompted by the painting.

For an alternative method of praying with a painting, read about St. Clare’s way of prayer.

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